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Webmaster Information

    There are three ways you can use Bible search on your web site as an aid to visitors and to enhance your site.

1. Keyword or Passage Lookup

You can use any word or phrase links in your inline text, bible studies, or other site use. Simply do the keyword search or passage that you want to use, then copy the url from the location bar to refer to on your site. Something like:

Jesus referred to the prophet Jonah, just as he was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so would He be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matt. 12:39-40; Luke 11:30. On another occasion, Jesus stated that He would destroy the temple, and He would raise it again in three days - John 2:19.

2. Link to this Site

    Feel free to add a link to anywhere on your site to assist your users.

3. Bible Search Popup

    Just copy the code from the box below, paste it into the source of your web page, and automatically get the Bible Search popup on your page.

    Click the following link to see how it works:

Put this code in the source of your page:

    You can put the code anywhere you want and it will automatically take on the page attributes surrounding it. Put it in a table, or your menu column. It will be just as if you had written.
        <a href="http:://whatever">Search The Bible</a>

    So you can make it bold simply by doing:
        <B><SCRIPT language="javascript" SRC=></SCRIPT></B>
    ...and you get:

    Or make it larger:
        <font size=+1><SCRIPT language="javascript" SRC=></SCRIPT></font>
    ...and you get:

Another Great Idea

    Drag the above 'Search The Bible' link to your browser's bookmark bar, and you will have a handy one-click Bible search pop-up window available at all times.